Antti Suniala
- 19 hours ago
37/2024 - Orquesta Típica Victor with Mario Pomar and Ángel Vargas?
Yes! This is not just click-bait. Mario Pomar, famous for the recordings with Di Sarli in the 1950s, and Ángel Vargas, legendary for...
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Antti Suniala
- Sep 2
36/2024 - Osvaldo Pugliese instrumentals and the last tanda of the milonga
This Pugliese instrumental tanda is rhythmic, melodic, and dynamic, offering a taste of Pugliese's brilliance without diving too deep...
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Antti Suniala
- Aug 26
35/2024 - The melodic uptempo instrumental tangos of Osvaldo Fresedo
Many of Fresedo's recordings feature beautifully smooth melodies and orchestration, yet maintain an unexpectedly brisk tempo. This tanda...
149 views1 comment
Antti Suniala
- Aug 19
34/2024 - Classic milongas from modern orchestras? Sexteto Cristal shows how!
While I rarely play modern orchestras in my DJ sets, I could easily imagine playing this tanda in a longer set when the time was right!
129 views2 comments